We would love to hear from you and connect to explore how the IdeaLeader solutions can help accelerate your professional and organizational success.
All personal information that you provide to IdeaLeader will be retained by us and will never be shared with any other organization without your expressed consent.
Privacy Policy: IdeaLeader only collects personal information that is necessary for one or more of our functions or activities, and we only collect it by lawful and fair means. All personal information that you provide to IdeaLeader will be retained by us and will never be shared with any other organization without your expressed consent, unless required by law. In most cases personal information is collected only from the individual themselves, however if personal information is provided to us by someone else, e.g. your employer, it will always be treated as strictly confidential. If at any time you wish to review the personal information relating to you that is held by IdeaLeader, please apply in writing to do so. If you feel that the information held by us is no longer accurate, or up-to-date please contact us and we will take all reasonable steps to correct the information held. Should you wish us to remove any or all of the personal information relating to you that we hold, please contact us in writing and we will be happy to do so. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, or the way in which we store your personal information, please contact us at any time.